On Real HCG Drops – Why HCG Plus Is the Only Real Non-Homeopathic HCG

Healthy Eating HCG Plus has had over 10,000 customers so far, and for the most part, users have experience excellent results with our real HCG drops. However, many people have recently asked us: just how does the HCG diet plan differ with you? Generally speaking HCG drops are homeopathic, and useless for achieving weight loss results. The reasons for this are diverse, but namely homeopathic and alternative programs have grown to be so popular in recent years primarily because they are so cheap. It’s much easier to market your product as HCG, and simply adding that little disclaimer about it not actually containing the hormone. Huge retailers have formed around this, including a host of them at places like Wal-mart, Target, or GNC. Usually on the label they indicate some kind of supposed concentration of “1x, 2x, 4x”. Yet, this is not a real way to measure HCG. HCG is only measured in milligrams or IUs, so this is a sure sign that it will not contain any of the hormone.
Some customers achieve a bit of success with homeopathic HCG, but the results actually vary so widely, that it’s impossible to make any claims about effectiveness. Only HCG has been shown in clinical trials to be effect, with placebo groups attaining around 20% the total weight loss as users. Customers of HCG Plus generally experience the same level of weight loss as injections with our real HCG drops as well. It’s never easy to decide upon the many options out there, but clearly programs that do not contain the actual hormone will be totally unhelpful to users looking for effective treatments. This is why non-homeopathic HCG is honestly the only option that should be considered.
Despite this, however, basically no other retailers exist that offer real non-homeopathic HCG. Since we are the only one remaining, and one of the few that still has credit card processing in light of the recent FDA changes, it is important to examine how this market has changed in light of the reduction of HCG across all HCG drops. Previously homeopathic HCG drops, sometimes, contained minute traces of HCG powder. However, absolutely no homeopathic or “alternative” formulations of HCG drops now contain this essential ingredient. As a result, users now cannot achieve nearly the level of success they normally do with the real thing. Even before, however, these drops were highly ineffective. Now they are useless. The clamp down on these drops is partially the fault of the FDA and credit card companies, but mostly simply because the sellers do not make or produce their own products. HCG powders are expensive, running roughly $100,000 per kilogram. So it’s no surprise that it’s a lot cheaper to just use vitamins in alcohol and sell it for $100 per bottle. People who use our product swear by its effectiveness. We are serious about offering our users unprecedented levels of weight loss, and providing them with a true source of HCG. We are now able to stably process credit cards directly, as well as over the phone, and are working on adding more customer service options in the months to come. Our real HCG drops work, and we’re not going to be changing our formulation.

Last Updated:

May 2, 2012
